Apply for Community Support

Apply for community support

If you have a request for community support, we ask that you complete this form with as much detail about your proposal as possible.

Please note that we get hundreds of requests for product support throughout the year. In order to make the most impact in communities across the island of Ireland we focus our support in certain key areas in line with our corporate social responsibility programmes.

We support

The areas we support include:

  • community wellbeing - activities that support healthy lifestyles
  • programmes related to the environment (selective waste collection, waste recycling, water management, climate protection)
  • programmes related to the area of youth development

We do not support

  • The political and religious activities. As an independent company, we take a neutral political stance and respect all religions equally. Accordingly, we do not support any political party or religious groups over others.
  • Individual requests. Our goal is to reach the widest possible range of our assistance to those in need. We therefore work with charitable, non-governmental, and non-profit organisations who are best placed to make the most impact in communities.
  • Targeting children under the age of 12 events. Our responsible marketing policy pledges not to advertise to children under 12 years old. We respect the primacy of parental choice, independence and education.
  • Financial requests. We do not consider cash donation requests. Our primary investment in communities across the island of Ireland is focused on the area of youth development and our Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund donates grants of €130k to community groups that support this cause each year.

If you think that the request meets the above criteria, please contact

Please allow two weeks for a response to your request.