Our Social Economic Impact

Our social economic impact

2019 marked the 80th anniversary of Coca‑Cola on the island of Ireland, and over the last eight decades, our business has played a key role in shaping the local economy and community we serve.

Coca‑Cola HBC operates in 29 countries, but because of the local nature of the business, we are in the unique position to contribute to the economic vitality of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Our local business stimulates job creation and wider economic benefit throughout our value chain. We contribute to the economic success of the community by employing local people; paying taxes to governments; paying suppliers for goods, services and capital equipment; and supporting community investment programs.

Our story is told in an independent study on the economic impact of our business led by Grant Thornton. The findings powerfully demonstrate the added value created every time a consumer chooses our products and is based on the “input-output” model from the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre. The impact is felt in all sectors: from production, packaging and local producers and suppliers, to marketing and product distribution in wholesale and retail.


of total value added



total wages


direct, indirect and induced

jobs supported by our system

ye-george-ryan-and-gillian-shields ye-george-ryan-and-gillian-shields

In the area of Youth Development, we partner with YouthAction Northern Ireland and Youth Work Ireland to deliver our #YouthEmpowered programme. Launched in 2017, #YouthEmpowered has supported over 1,500 young people aged 18-30 across Ireland and Northern Ireland not in education, employment or training with developing the skills and confidence to improve their employment prospects through access to employability workshops-based training, online content and mentoring support.

*** NO REPRODUCTION FEE *** DUBLIN : 7/10/2021 :  Pictured was Coca-Cola HBC employees participating in their annual ‘Big Clean-Up’ on Portmarnock Beach, Co Dublin. The Coca-Cola system undertook another ambitious volunteering initiative today (Thursday 7th October) with an estimated 100 employees across the island of Ireland partaking in their annual ‘Big Clean-Up’. Coca-Cola employees took to three beaches across the island – Portmarnock in Dublin, Renville in Galway and Murlough Beach in Co. Down - to remove litter from the coastline. Eighty-six bags of litter, weighing more than half a tonne, were removed from beaches over the course of the day thanks to the efforts of volunteers. The initiative is part of Coca-Cola commitment to support a World Without Waste; the company’s strategy to design more sustainable packaging, collect back its packaging for recycling, and partner with communities, NGOs and the wider industry to clean-up the planet. For more information about Coca-Cola’s sustainability goals, visit ie.Coca-ColaHellenic.com.

MEDIA CONTACT :  Ciara Cashen, Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and Northern Ireland: email Ciara.Cashen@cchellenic.com mobile 086 194 0885 *** NO REPRODUCTION FEE *** DUBLIN : 7/10/2021 :  Pictured was Coca-Cola HBC employees participating in their annual ‘Big Clean-Up’ on Portmarnock Beach, Co Dublin. The Coca-Cola system undertook another ambitious volunteering initiative today (Thursday 7th October) with an estimated 100 employees across the island of Ireland partaking in their annual ‘Big Clean-Up’. Coca-Cola employees took to three beaches across the island – Portmarnock in Dublin, Renville in Galway and Murlough Beach in Co. Down - to remove litter from the coastline. Eighty-six bags of litter, weighing more than half a tonne, were removed from beaches over the course of the day thanks to the efforts of volunteers. The initiative is part of Coca-Cola commitment to support a World Without Waste; the company’s strategy to design more sustainable packaging, collect back its packaging for recycling, and partner with communities, NGOs and the wider industry to clean-up the planet. For more information about Coca-Cola’s sustainability goals, visit ie.Coca-ColaHellenic.com.

MEDIA CONTACT :  Ciara Cashen, Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and Northern Ireland: email Ciara.Cashen@cchellenic.com mobile 086 194 0885

Coca‑Cola HBC also takes proactive measures in environment stewardship and have proudly partnered with An Taisce and Keep Northern Ireland on the Coca‑Cola Clean Coast Week for more than a decade. In 2019, the programme saw 27 tonnes of litter removed from the Irish coastline, thanks to 5,450 volunteers taking part in more than 250 events and clean-ups, all of which is helping make a positive difference in people’s lives